
We are a unique community foundation creating more pathways to gender, racial, and economic equity for Colorado women.

  • Why Women

    Why Women?

    Women are the co- or sole-breadwinners in 45 percent of Colorado households. By maximizing opportunities for all women to have access to education, job training, and career placement that is needed to secure livable wages, achieve pay equity, advance in their careers, or even start their own businesses, we strengthen the economic engines of our communities.

    Learn Why

  • Herstory


    Since our founding in 1987 as the only statewide community foundation focused on dismantling barriers to women’s economic prosperity, more than 91,000 gifts from generous donors have fueled our work to release more than 30 research reports, help pass dozens of pieces of legislation, and grant nearly $23.5 million to nonprofit organizations throughout Colorado that support and align with our mission.

    Read More

  • People


    Our board of trustees and staff are diverse groups of individuals committed to achieving gender equity. We each leverage our strengths, talents, networks, and resources to further the mission of The Women’s Foundation of Colorado and create a future where women and girls of every background and identity can prosper.

    Meet Us

  • Strategic Framework

    Strategic Framework

    The course we have set allows for flexibility to meet women’s most urgent and emerging needs including food, diapers, safety, and child care. Our 2021-2025 strategic framework is a statement of intent, but we also view it as a document of hope for women of every background and identity in Colorado to have what they need to truly thrive.

    Read our Plan

Our Vision

A future where Colorado women and girls of every background and identity prosper.

Our Mission

Catalyzing community to advance and accelerate economic opportunities for Colorado women and their families


Who Do We Mean by "Woman?"

The Women’s Foundation of Colorado believes any person identifying as a woman is a woman - regardless of gender expression and including all trans women, intersex women, and non-trans women. The concept that people fall into only two gender categories - women or men - causes harm and exclusion for those of us who do not “fit” into a gender binary and to those of us who do. The enforcement and expectation of this gender binary is both oppressive and rooted in histories of colonization.

Our Core Values

Promise: We believe in infinite possibilities. We know all women and girls have the innate potential and power to succeed.

Leadership: We are willing to take risks in pursuit of our vision. We will lead in harnessing passion to include and amplify the voices of diverse women and girls. We believe that leadership by women and girls in all sectors makes a positive difference in communities and society.

Community: We understand that advancing women’s economic self-sufficiency is complex, requiring the insights, investments, and commitment of many. We believe that we can achieve more in partnership with others.

Learning: We seek to learn from our grantees, strategic partners, and others to inform our research and to identify needs. We believe mutual and continuous learning will not only advance progress toward our vision but also stimulate innovative solutions to issues impacting women and girls.

Equity & Inclusion: We strive to understand the intersection of identities and to address structural systems of inequity in the pursuit of equity. We believe that deliberately including diverse perspectives in our work and in our decision-making will lead to better results.

Stewardship & Accountability: We act with integrity, look back and look forward on important issues, practice a bias for action, focus on systemic change, and measure our results. We hold ourselves accountable to our mission, our donors, our stakeholders, and the communities we serve.

See Our Values Statements



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