Women Will create a legacy
Planned Giving for Women’s Prosperity
Women Will members plan gifts or bequests to fund the vital work of The Foundation through their estates. You may name WFCO as the beneficiary of real property, marketable securities, qualified retirement plans, IRA accounts, or life insurance policies.
Legacy giving creates a powerful, philanthropic legacy beyond your lifetime, amplifies your impact, builds an enduring tribute to loved ones, and sustains WFCO’s work for women, girls, and families.
Read about the different reasons why many women and men are part of our Women Will program.
“Values are important, but we need to act them out, not just know what they are. Women need to be equal in all things - pay, education, and policymaking. It's a great relief to know I can be a small part of helping things continue.” – Jean Saul, Women Will member
Become a Women Will member
A Women Will membership allows us to thank and recognize you for the plans you have made without dues or obligations. Benefits of membership in Women Will include invitations to special events and educational opportunities. The most important benefit you will receive is knowing your passion for women’s progress will continue through your gift to WFCO.
Contact Maggie Stoot, vice president of development, at maggies@wfco.org to discuss including WFCO in your plans.